We are proud to announce that the European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (WWP EN) has become a KCS Accredited member. This recognition highlights their dedication to upholding the highest standards of child safeguarding while working to end domestic abuse by stopping perpetrators’ violence.
WWP EN is focusing their work in addressing the root causes. They offer guidance for safe and effective perpetrators’ programmes and focus on different dimensions of violence such as sexualised, digital or intra-family abuse.
As part of the KCS Accreditation process, WWP EN underwent a review of their child safeguarding policies and procedures to assess their alignment with International Child Safeguarding Standards. This evaluation ensures that they have a framework in place to back their commitment to protecting children.
WWP EN easily passed the Accreditation process, demonstrating their determination to embedding safeguarding into their work. Their expertise working with migrant and refugee perpetrators, and perpetrator programmes in prisons and probation makes their contribution to the field invaluable.
From KCS, we congratulate WWP EN for achieving this milestone for children’s safety and look forward to working together to strengthen child safeguarding across Europe.