Home > Keeping Children Safe and the Inter-American Children’s Institute sign agreement to strengthen child safeguarding in the Americas  

Keeping Children Safe and the Inter-American Children’s Institute sign agreement to strengthen child safeguarding in the Americas  

Keeping Children Safe (KCS), a leading international organisation in Child Safeguarding, and the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), an international organisation dedicated to the development of public policies on children’s rights in the Americas, have signed a strategic agreement to enhance their collaboration and strengthen child safeguarding frameworks in the region.  

Both organisations have collaborated since 2023 in the dissemination of resources on child safeguarding, during KCS international summits, International Child Safeguarding Week and activities focused on the well-being of children and teenagers.   

This new agreement seeks to deepen this relationship and expand its impact by fostering the development of new research, the generation of innovative resources and the promotion of best practices in the region.